Guide to getting started using Digitoll
Guide to getting started using Digitoll
Your business is registered in Digitoll, but there are still a few steps before everything is ready for use. We recommend contacting your system provider for help with this process. If any issues arise, you can contact us or check the frequently asked questions and answers.
Haven't you registered your business in Digitoll yet? Register now
Verification in Maskinporten
In order for you to send data directly to our systems, we must be absolutely sure of who you are and that you have access to our interface. Therefore, your business must be authenticated before you can send anything to us. We use Maskinporten for this authentication. To use Maskinporten, your business must have a enterprise certificate.
Obtain a enterprise certificate
Choose one of the following approved providers to issue business certificates:
Technical integration in Maskinporten
Once the business certificate is in place and the application for access to the Digitoll API has been approved, you can set up integration with Maskinporten. We recommend getting assistance from your system provider to carry out the integration with Maskinporten.
Submit data
Simply put, you will send information about the vehicle and the goods it carries through your own messages. The reporting and information data is sent via the Customs Authority's API. Declarations for Digitoll should be sent to the dispatch unit 441002 in TVINN.
In the dropdown menu below, you will find a detailed explanation of the content of the messages you need to send.
The notification related to the transport should contain information that uniquely identifies the means of transport.
• For a vehicle, this would be the registration number/license plate and nationality.
• For an aircraft, it would usually be the flight number in combination with the date.
Additionally, information about the expected time and place of border crossing and information identifying the responsible driver of the means of transport must be provided.
There must be information that allows us to understand what goods are brought in each specific consignment, on a specific means of transport.
As information about consignments is sent in separate notifications, there must be references that we can use to link the transport and consignments. This means that in the transport notification, there must be a list of references or tracking numbers that we can match with the same references in the notifications related to consignments.
Now you know that there must be a reference that links consignments to the correct transport. Additionally, this is where you enter information about the consignment itself.
Key information elements are shipper, consignee, weight, quantity, and descriptions of the goods. The notification must also include information about the customs procedure you intend to apply to the consignments when they are transported across the border. For example, if you have chosen the procedure of "Immediate Release Import" you must include the declaration ID from TVINN (Customs' system). If you have chosen the "Transit Import" procedure, you must include the MRN number of the transit declaration.
When a consignment from Sweden arrives at the Norwegian border by road, you must also indicate which customs procedure the goods are subject to until they reach the Norwegian border. An example of this is transit through NCTS (New Computerized Transit System).
The reason why you must inform us about the customs procedure is:
• It is a requirement in the Movement of Goods Act that the customs procedure must be indicated before or at the latest upon arrival at the border.
• When the transport enters Norway, it is essential for Norwegian Customs to know which declarations we need to process, which export declarations to close, and which transit declarations to clear or complete.
Detailed descriptions of the information to be sent and how to submit the information.
Testing and training
In order for your business to be able to provide the required information before the transport and goods arrive at the border, you need to test that you have access to the required data elements.
If you need to inform other stakeholders in your supply chain about the requirements set by the Customs Authority, you can use this document in English.
The Customs Authority offers meetings for verifying submissions in the APIs for system providers and business stakeholders who develop their own interfaces to the Customs Authority's API. Before such a meeting can be scheduled, the solution must be developed and tested internally. You will receive a description with cases to be tested in advance. Before the meeting, stakeholders must have requests ready so that they can quickly submit what they want to test and have it verified by the Customs Authority.
We encourage stakeholders who wish to test multiple APIs to do so in the same meeting, if possible. For questions about testing or to book a testing meeting, please contact [email protected] to schedule the meeting.
Business stakeholders who use a system provider can arrange tests in their systems directly with the provider.
When the transport arrives at the border
What needs to be done when the transport arrives at the border depends on the mode of transport chosen.
Boarder crossing with Digitoll
Updated: 16/12/2024