This is the functionalities in the Electronic Customs Tariff.
Front page and search
You may search by chapter, heading, commodity code or by type of goods. You may not be able to find what you are searching for, or you may think that the search result is incomplete. The Customs Tariff search engine searches for words in the Customs Tariff. The result is the gateway to find the correct heading and commodity code but is not a final result. Relevant notes to sections, chapters and commodity codes must be checked.
If you have no result to your keyword, try to use a synonym, the plural form of the word or split up the keyword.
How a heading is presented
We have chosen to present a heading hierarchically meaning that you select from the top level (one dash subheading) to the lowest that is the complete commodity code. A subheading with several underlying commodity codes will be marked with and a colon after the text. When you click on the text, the commodity codes belonging to this subheading will be displayed.
Commodity information
Here you will find duty rates, excise fees and restrictions. Where relevant, you may find definitions, information on tariff quotas and duty reductions as well as other references.
The content of the page Import and Export is data obtained from the electronic customs clearance system TVINN and is updated every night.
Here you will find the applicable duty rates and excise fees, as well as any restrictions on goods that fall under the relevant commodity code. To narrow your search, you may also choose which country the goods originate from. In the narrow search you may find information on remaining quotas.
Maximum rate corresponds to Ordinary rate (MFN). You must be aware that the duty rates for agricultural products may change at short notice. It is the Norwegian Agriculture Agency who has the power to adjust the rates for agricultural products throughout the year.
The duty on processed agricultural products (RT) is calculated by the Norwegian Agriculture Agency. The rate for RT, together with the rate for customs duty (TL), is the maximum rate specified for the commodity code.
The use of duty rates applicable to the FTAs requires a valid proof of origin. Information on restrictions is considered as a guide. It is the regulations of the relevant agency that is always applicable.
For an overview of what the various restriction codes include, read more in the link below (chose box 44)
- Import declaration (in Norwegian only)
Here you may find the applicable export fees as well as any restrictions on goods that fall under the relevant commodity code. Here you may also choose which country is the destination of the products. The information shown is what is registered in TVINN. Information on restrictions is considered as a guide. It is the regulations to the relevant agency that always applies. If you want information regarding imports to the country that you are exporting to, you must contact the customs authorities of that country.
Here you will find what quantity measures is to be stated on the customs declaration and references, if any.
Contact us
If you have trouble finding which commodity code that is correct for your goods, or you have questions about the information associated with a commodity code, please contact us. Phone 22 86 03 12. Press #2.